About EPI

Advanced Medical Technology Based on Solid Science and Research

Electromedical Products International, Inc. (EPI) was established in 1981 by Dr. Daniel L. Kirsch to develop, manufacture, and market Alpha-Stim® advanced medical technology worldwide. The company was launched with a sophisticated clinical model, the Alpha-Stim 2000. At the time, it weighed over 40 pounds and cost $5,850. Since that time, the company has taken advantage of advances in electronics and computer technology to bring the size and price down significantly for the CES device while improving efficacy and ease of use. We accomplished this partially through developing clinically proven protocols.

A company is more than its product offerings. Our people are our most important resource.

When you invest in Alpha-Stim CES device technology—whether you’re a patient, a doctor seeking a safe, effective, approach to pain relief and mood and sleep treatment, or a distributor wishing to offer an advanced medical technology to the marketplace—you’re investing in a lot more than a medical device. Alpha-Stim technology is proven and is backed by decades of research; EPI fully supports its products and customers through ongoing research, education, and clinical support.

EPI is a global enterprise and has received regulatory approvals in numerous countries. Alpha-Stim products and accessories are FDA cleared in the United States for anxiety, insomnia, and pain, have obtained the CE mark for regulatory approval in Europe (through the European Medical Device Regulation), been awarded the UL (Underwriter’s Laboratory) safety listing, are licensed by TGA (Australia), and are approved throughout most of the world.

For more extensive background on how EPI is pioneering a new paradigm for treating pain and insomnia, go to our Healthcare Professionals page.

If you’d like to learn more about joining our growing family of successful distributors, visit our Getting Started section.